Thoracolumbar DBQ Technical Question


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Hello Everyone,
I am doing a one-time appeal for my back rating and was sent to a civilian spine physician.
My spine physician called me about the Thoracolumbar DBQ (she has not done these before) and
asked me about one particular section:

Section VII - Functional Loss and Additional Limitation of ROM
On 7D, it asks "Contributing Factors of Disability NOT associated with Limitation of Motion.

My doctor says NO because she considered muscle atrophy as a contributing factor - but
I don't have muscle atrophy, just weakness.

Does this sound right?

Thanks in advance folks.
99% of the time the Rater will only use the ROM those questions revolve around two cases over how ROM is measured and additional symptoms that can warrant a higher rating. The two cases are Correia v McDonald and Sharp v. Shulkin. This includes but is not limited to flare-ups, pain, weakness, fatigability, and incoordination. The doctor is supposed to opine on how these additional limitations affect you and the Rater is supposed to assign the higher rating this practically never happens unless you appeal to the Board though.