Army Policy Letters and Guidance

A Resource category for policy letters and guidance. Note that the legal authority of these documents are less clear than those documents contained in statues or regulations.

Top resources

MOA between APDA/MEDCOM: Interim Guidance Timeliness of MEB info provided to PEB Jason Perry
Interim Guidance for Timeliness of Medical Information Provided by Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs)
Army PDA Guidance: Memo on Diagnostic Variance Jason Perry
APDA MEMO: Diagnostic variance between the MEB and the VA diagnoses within the DES
Army Post Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA) Information Sheet Jason Perry
The Army information sheet on Post Deployment/Mobilization Respite Absence (PDMRA)
The Ranger Handbook...all you will ever need to know in any engagement with the enemy.
The recent guidance from SECARMY on recent changes to DoDI 1332.38 on Chronic Adjustment Disorder
APDA Memo on Diagnostic Variance between MEB and VA Jason Perry
SUBJECT: Diagnostic variance between the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and the VA diagnoses within