No matter what conditions or disabilities you have or are diagnosed with prior to you leaving active duty, the VA and Air Force can’t deny them by saying the condition or disability existed prior to service (EPTS)/entering the military. I would say most commonly occurs to junior soldiers for some MH diagnosis and also genetic conditions. Since you are at 10 years AD, you do not have to worry about being denied anything due to EPTS. I would also get as many medical issues documented by your PCM or other medical specialist prior to leaving AD. Shoulder, foot, hand, knee injuries should be documented, even it was years ago. i can write more about this tomorrow, I’m about to fall asleep. i had a sleeping experience last night that hasn’t happened in over a year—nightmare followed by waking, not knowing where I was and thinking someone was outside my bedroom window. Regained my orientation, watched security camera footage at sometime 0100ish. Never fully slept again. It was not a good day for me. Sorry to dump this here, but no one understands how this feels when it happens, including my wife.
THIS INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS LEGAL ADVICE. YOU SHOULD STRONGLY CONSIDER THE BENEFITS OF CONSULTING WITH A TRAINED LEGAL PROFESSIONAL By law, a Soldier with over eight years of active Federal Service is eligible for disability compensation even if the condition is Exist Prior to...