I can confirm that that the written appeal sent with your FPEB packet can result with the board granting your request without having a to go through the FPEB. This happened in my situation. Like
@Provis said, with an attorney you probably have a good chance of getting this changed. Most of us on here know the feeling of just wanting the whole process to be done as quickly as possible, but just by reading your comments, future healthcare is more important than money and trust me when I say that Tricare with a medical retirement is absolutely better than any other healthcare you will have for yourself and your family. I have had to have three surgeries since I was retired and just knowing there is no bill, no delay and it’s a surgeon I chose makes that extra time I kept fighting worth it.
If you haven’t talked to the Soldiers council MEB attorney yet, go talk to them and quickly—they are free. Consider hiring a private attorney, the money spent now will hopefully save you time and money later. I have no idea how much it cost to take out two of my organs that grew worse because of worsening GI issues after I retired because I have Tricare and paid nothing—it is probably in the tens of thousand of dollars. Now imagine yourself, wife or child in a similar situation and a bill shows up—it’s worth the time and money right now to get it correct.
Sorry for the long lecture, but I know to many people that just either got out with a ton of medical problems and are suffering right now because of no or terrible healthcare coverage or they rushed their MEB/PEB and now claim they got “screwed”. The Army does not care about you and they will give you the lowest bid and see if you take it. Don’t let yourself get screwed over, you not fighting this is hurting no one but yourself.