Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, (CBRN) etc. WMD exposures Afghanistan/Iraq

This is a tough topic. We know it happened, getting evidence is hard.
Only a start: Karshi-Khanabad: Hazardous Exposures and Effects on U.S. Servicemembers

"&" not exactly those who were exposed to Al Qaeda's massive CBRN WMD, too all those who served in Iraq or surrounding regions such as Uzbekistan, its a fact, its a start, and its most definitely connected. Bunch of vets and servicemen who fell ill, cancer, neurological conditions, etc. who are dead or struggling -- myself included.

The truth will come out soon.
I can send a picture of me as an E-3 stirring a burning 55 gallon drum of our units Toilet Paper, laundry items, personnel documents and classified document burns... is that "biological" exposure LOL. For real though I hope this gets somewhere because I spent 6 months stirring that drum and refilling it and lighting it everyday
Has everyone here signed up for the Burn Pit Registry and taken the physical exam? They are big on performing a chest X-Ray to see if you have any nodules where a biopsy needs to be done.
I can send a picture of me as an E-3 stirring a burning 55 gallon drum of our units Toilet Paper, laundry items, personnel documents and classified document burns... is that "biological" exposure LOL. For real though I hope this gets somewhere because I spent 6 months stirring that drum and refilling it and lighting it everyday
That's core of a "burn pit" issue ad yes, very well could be, I was around them in 2001 and there was all kinds of stuff being burned, medical waste, parts of bodies, etc. and I got sick and developed some kind of cyst on my abdomen wall that I have complained and complained about and the VA doesn't care, its like I grew another organ and all that medical waste, God only knows what was in it and what inhaled. Numerous issues for burn pits here for many vets. It flares up, and hurts very bad like and extra gull bladder or something, nobody knows, they said its not cancer though which was relief, but not conclusive without biopsy; waiting for.
2001, Deployed Location, Pakistan, burning TP, documents, uniform and personal items. Me as an E-3 raising my personal 'shit paper' stirring stick.

Thanks Osama.
2001, Deployed Location, Pakistan, burning TP, documents, uniform and personal items. Me as an E-3 raising my personal 'shit paper' stirring stick.
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Thanks Osama.
What unit were you with? I was in Pakistan briefly in 2001 as well, we might know each other. Trying also to spin on the burn pits classified records being destroyed which nobody knew what they were burning and its all relative we are learning to the Burn Pits and CBRN, etc. admin staff told to burn, burn while the intel products were fresh around the regions. Somewhere, there is no way an agency doesn't have information backed up, I find it hard to believe otherwise.
I was a Predator maintainer
Yes, but it just doesn't end there, you have the Burn Pits and the CBRN which Al Qaeda had and were working on as well as those who were exposed to Saddam Hussein's old stockpile. I want all of us to band together though for this, being a cancer survivor myself and battling the effects of CBRN for a long time with permanent neurological and other residuals such as abscesses and abnormal mutation growths of some organs. What many people don't realize is this is all connected, the fall of the Soviet Union, the black market, Al Qaeda buying whatever they wanted and needed while areas in the former Soviet Union was a toxic waste dump from the items not being disposed properly, exploded/detonated foolishly, etc. while Al Qaeda had the whole nine-yards; here, while service-members were exposed also from both Iraq wars...all the burn pits, lord knows what all was in those, too controlled ordnance detonations of captured munitions which likely were CBRN form time to time spreading around (mixed in).

All of us injured from this, in one way or another and enough time has passed where the gov't needs to acknowledge this and to all the mishaps, recognize these mistakes, award and compensate people, provide them healthcare and in cases like mine, go back in and fix records from being punished for speaking out and seeking immediate care with my med board unlawfully terminated under threat of "brig" and "prison" for these so-called sensitive issues was a crime. The VA has even yet to acknowledge this openly. Almost 20 years, com'on.

There are many, many who stayed silent for as long as I did. We all have to stick together and see this is taken care of for the sake of everyone's well being in as many numbers as possible. All of us, who put ourselves in grave risks through the very first years of the wars for our country should NOT be forever punished and silenced with red tape.
Getting a congressman to tell his story should be a big help in beginning the wildfire. We just need a big enough spark and enough fuel.
I've got a meeting with House Oversight Committee on my end soon. You know, Pentagon had a number (maybe they still do) which was a hotline to report exposures, I called in three or four times in 2015 and never heard a word back. It was as if they kept a roster of people calling in and never called anyone back as anyone else I spoke to they never heard anything either. Going to work on some of this more and try to tie all of us together. Spread the word. I've got VA records all the way from 2003-2004 of complaints from my exposures to CBRN, etc. in detail, military unit refused anyone speak about -- because someone made a colossal failure and well, cover-it up, right.