Honorable Mr. Perry, "seems" we accidentally were duealing banjo's here as posted, the below, about same time you posted on this
very "HOT" Topic ("Tabasco")- so thought just place here for clarity and simplification as well as kind of "in" your highly "specialized" and "wealth" of KNOWLEDGE ON lane:
Thanks Honorable Mr. Perry...... hopefully you and/or other "super" Moderator's" comment....??????
PS: I personally, have alway's believed "laws"/ "regulations" should be written such that the "common" man can in fact understand them- i.e. the "Napolean's" Private Standard, and kind of like US Military- Purpose and Intent- Intent being "most" important...... as well as "enforceable," for all, just not "selective".....
Looking forward to any response on this Topic......
Honorable Mr. Perry, would you be willing to explain what you perhaps foresee as issues with:
"Third, this may impact adjudication of conditions for the folks on the TDRL?"
I ask for several reason's, 1) While I was on TDRL, I was told by TDRL examiner at Ft. Benning, those placed on TDRL MH Conditions are in fact almost "never" returned to active duty!" If, this is in fact case, which based on your experience as JAG Formal PEB Chief in TX would "assume" you would know-perhaps, then why are they placed on TDRL at all to begin with?"
2) While on TDRL, and after, the US DVA MH Provider treating me, (who died of brain tumor), told me he had "patients" on TDRL in local Gulf Coast VA System for over the "five" year limit, and were in fact so bad off could not "take" care of themselves and had "funds" cut off, as well as significantly "low" VA ratings, that further contributed to their "issues," as well as placing sigificant burden "famly" etc....! So my question here would be, if case number one, hardly any members on TDRL MH reason's returned "duty,"- is "true" and if still on TDRL after 5-year limit, what is the point of TDRL for MH Conditions, anyway, and what impact this "Directive" will in fact on anyone in above situation still possibly on TDRL past 5-year limit?
3) Would you make any recommendations' as what should be done/changed/modified- in light of this "Directive," with the whole convoluted and overly complex, "TDRL" system??????
4) Perhaps, deyond your purvue, but US State Department Officals' and Merchant Mariners, can utilize the US DVA System, are they in fact held to same "rating" and compensation "standards" as US Armed Services Members'????? If so are they "considered" "non-deplorable," etc...within-in their own "system's" like etc... US Armed Service Members affected by this "Directive"...?????
Thank you Honorable Mr. Perry, and belive this best website out there for Veterans', etc.. issues......"being no "expert" by any means in these matters,
but a simple "yokel," myself, which as per "Merriam-Webster" word of day 20- FEB 2018, "
365 New Words-A-Year Page-A-Day Calendar 2018- Calendar – Day to Day Calendar, August 3, 2017" by
Merriam-Webster (Author) (at
https://www.amazon.com/Words-Year-P...8424&sr=8-2&keywords=365+words+a+day+calendar), is "
a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town...!"