First VA MH eval this week, what should I expect?


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I'm having m first VA eval for MH and I'm curious about how they do it. I'm going to see a private MD through VES and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with an outside contractor. She has had all of the coursework and has a few years of experience under her belt, but is there a general method or routine to the eval? Is it conversational or do we roll right done through the DBQs? Any idea is helpful, not really nervous, just wondering if I need to prepare.
Just through the DBQ they will review your medical file and provide the VSR any opinion they may want from the examiner. They may ask a few personal questions looking for some "split the baby" response but most go smoothly.
I had my appointment on Thursday. She was thorough!! She wanted to start at the beginning, that being my life from HS on, time in service, college, married life, kids, work environment, everything. Pages of notes. I was very impressed with the MD and the VES facilities. To be honest, I'm not overly concerned about my mental health, I doubt I'm any more screwed up than the next guy. Some anxiety and real mild depression, maybe some antisocial behavior. (which I think would get better if people stopped talking to me!) She was more concerned with the way I have become desensitized to things most people couldn't handle. She didn't say it, but PTSD was written all over her face. All in all a really good appt. Hopefully the rest go as smoothly.