How Many Vet's Asked Read Books US DVA Providers- But Not Given Said Book By US DVA Providers-Aware Have Accounts This?

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ALL- just a simple question, how many this forum, etc.... been asked by US DVA Providers to read a book, say on their supposed conditions, but not given the book directly by said US DVA Providers?

Are any out there aware US DVA Providers, as I understand, have accounts specifically for this, but apparently takes forever for them to simply get books in and as such, many per my understanding, not utilize for this reason????

Finally, and a sub-question- kind of same topic- anyone ever sent their provider or VA Staff a book or anything, like records, in the mail only to have it/them lost by US DVA certified mail handlers or simply VA staff have go track it down themselves from US DVA certified mail handlers?

Thanks, just curious.......
ALL: Guess should have provided an example of books some Vet's VISN16-Gulf Coast VA System supposedly recommended by US DVA Providers to read without providing them the actual book or link- or US DVA Library were can actuall check-out or read for free such as:

"An Unquiet Mind: A Memoir of Moods and Madness" Paperback – January 14, 1997 by Kay Redfield Jamison

Also, any been US DVA Physical Therapy or other Specialty Clinics like Prosthetic s, Orthopedics.... US DVA Providers actually had out copies of print-out from books, when could simply provide veteran entire book, perhaps providing better insight into treatment of their conditions and or once again refer them to a US DVA Library.... or website.....?????

Finally, know vet recently tried have something devlivered on weekend to US DVA Gulf Coast VA System- MOPC- and MOPC simply not open, and when redelivered not delivered to those at MOPC addressed by US DVA Certified USPS Mail-Handlers...anyone else have this issue with US DVA mail system???????

Thanks hope this assists someone........