MEB/Separation Process


Registered Member
I have been in the Air National Guard for coming up on 3 years now and I got injured in basic training. I tore my meniscus and have since torn it 2 more times. I have an LOD for the first tear since it was on duty and got a rating through the VA at 10%. I had a 2 surgeries on the knee in 2013 and thought I was done with the problems. I had to take a PT test in August of 2014 and during tore it again and had surgery the week after. I was healing ok and once again for some reason tore it again and had another surgery in November of 2014. Before I had surgery i went back to my guard unit for a week of orders (i live in oklahoma but stationed in oregon) and saw the doc. They said they were starting another LOD for the injury in August during my PT test and that that was the first step in the medical separation process. I haven't heard anything from them since and since my first injury I have had nothing but problems with my medical unit. I have a hard time getting ahold of them and they dont seem to care about me at all. I was told there is a possibility i could be put on something called continuation orders but i am not really sure how any of this works. I am in the process of getting my VA rating hopefully increased but I havent been able to work a steady job since I keep having so many surgeries and the money from a severance package would be very helpful! Any advice is appreciated!!!!
Sorry to hear about the injuries! There are a lot of really smart people here who know Air Guard/Army Guard and Reservers really well and should be able to assist you!