Question for Back + Leg Nerve damage rating


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I'm waiting on the VA for ratings right now, already know I was found unfit.

My question is in regards to rating of nerve damage in my leg. Herniated disc damaged, and now scar tissue impacts my S1 nerve root, affecting one leg. I have atrophy in my calf that isn't getting better. NARSUM states that it is unlikely to get better within three years. So all signs point in the write up to PDRL in that regard. Back ROM was 45 degrees, so 20 % there. But I can't really come up with a good expectation for the nerve damage in my leg. The DBQ mostly references moderate injuries, but because there is atrophy is this a 20, 40, 60 percent kind of thing? The wording in the VASRD states that with atrophy it's in the 60 percent range, but DBQ was marked moderate. I've read the disabilitymadeeasy website to educate myself, but I've not found much real world cases like mine. Left leg was like 40mm, right leg was 37mm. It seems like a small difference, but my leg is very small...hugely noticeable.

What have you guys been rated and/or seen for things like this?
I should point out the percentages for the leg I've looked at are for the sciatic nerve, and paralysis. I can't see it getting rated any other way...but idk.
Get a copy of your DBQ and you'll almost certainly be able to figure it out by what boxes the doc checked.
@ js820...have you received your ratings yet?

No I haven't. My ebenefits is marked "pending decision approval" as of 29 Apr. Based on what others are posting, I'm guessing I'll find out in another 2-3 weeks maybe.

Get a copy of your DBQ and you'll almost certainly be able to figure it out by what boxes the doc checked.

On your post you mentioned not getting a very high rating for your nerve damage. That's my fear. Especially since my DBQ/evaluator didn't mark everything as I thought should have been. From my interpretation of the ratings, and being conservative, I expect at least 20% for the radiculopathy alone, but considering there is muscle atrophy it talks about 60%...I'm not sure that's what I'll get. I mean, someone that loses a hand or foot only get's like 40% right? Then there is the back rating to go with it. Pretty sure I'll cross the 30% easily, but idk. Interested in others ratings/experience for context.