What happens to VA claim after retirement/discharge?


PEB Forum Veteran
Registered Member
Received proposed ratings late March, which closed original claim from MEB and opened a new one. Uploaded DD 214 early June, which closed that claim and opened a new one starting after ETS date. Official retirement 29 June. Uploaded my original DBQs and evidence. VA initially said it would be quick since they already had my ratings prepared. Have been sitting in Evidence Gathering, review, and decision.

I called the White House Hotline for clarification. They said that the process DOES start over (which still does not seem correct to me) and even tried to say that I will probably need another C&P exam (even though I just had all of them in March and have no new claims). I don’t understand why the process would start all over, but here we are.

Anyone know what’s actually true about the processing rate for those of us who have med boarded?
The VA already had all your C&P exams from your MEB. Since you didn’t file any new claims and you re-submitted all your DBQs, the VA is re-examining all the documents you submitted because they legally have to. Since your retirement date is 29 June, your first day to accumulate VA compensation is 1 July, so your first payment will (hopefully) be on 1 August. You do not get paid in advance.