MEB Active Duty years Vs. Guard Years


Registered Member
I have just seen doctor at WPAFB for MEB Total Right hip replacement with arthritic left hip. He said he would not recommend waiver for running? Is this normal? I also am an AGR/Active Guard Reserve with 15.5 years active duty and 22 yrs Air Guard. What decides active duty medical retirement or severence pay? This process is scary. My wife and I think that as much pounding and exercise as I do to stay in shape it may be time to punch out if given the option? Not sure what to do... Any suggestions on process would be appreciated.
I assume you mean the doctor won't give you a physical profile to exclude running? If you are determined medically disqualified and physically unfit, zero to 20% gets you a discharge with severance pay (however, if you have over 20 years of qualifying service (over 50 points a year) than you will be given the option of waiving severance pay and collecting nonregular retired pay at age 60). If you are rated at 30% or more, you are retired.