Physical Evaluation Board Forum

Time to welcome a new Moderator to the Team- Bjenk!
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It has been a great pleasure to share knowledge and to have a place for folks to share their experiences with others. But, honestly, most of the heavy lifting and guidance comes from those who post, come back, offer guidance and continue to serve their brothers and sisters in arms. This forum's real secret sauce and lifeblood is the community and the moderators who volunteer to share their input. So, I am very happy to welcome another Moderator to the team- bjenk!He is a retired Army LTC who served as a Field Artillery Officer (13A). Good judgment, great service, and a desire to help are the hallmarks of who we need on our team and he fits the bill perfectly. Please join me in welcoming @bjenk to the Team!
Sailors and Marines separated between Sept. 12, 2016, and June 11, 2018 eligible for new PEB
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Court orders new PEB for certain Sailors and Marines This is a very good option for affected DoN personnel.

The New DODI 1332.18 & Why It Is Important to You—John B Gately

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On 11/10/22, DODI 1332.18 was updated with mandatory guidance to be followed by all the armed services when processing PEB cases. Here are just a few reasons why this update is important for anyone undergoing the PEB process to review and understand: 1. In this update, there is a provision that allows service members to specifically demand that the FPEB cannot seat as board members anyone who participated in the adjudication process of your case at the IPEB. See Section 3.3.c.2.b of DODI1332.18. This means that you can exclude IPEB members from sitting on your FPEB, but you can also keep them if you think that their presence would help your case. 2. Prior to this update being issued, service members could only submit written appeals of adverse findings by the FPEB panel of their service. But, under Section 3.3d.1 of DODI1332.18, you can now request an additional hearing at which counsel can represent you. While no one knows yet how each service will implement this provision, this...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PEB FORUM!! (17 years and going strong)!!
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Seventeen years ago today, I opened the PEB FORUM. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! If you don't know the backstory, I was serving as the Chief, Soldier's Counsel at the Ft. Sam Houston Formal PEB board. I was in my terminal assignment, having submitted my resignation about a year before (that's another packet kept on getting "lost"). I was Chief of an office that varied in strength between one Lawyer (Me) or up to three, depending on manning. In those days, we were the only assigned counsel available, and I was handling a huge caseload. But, the challenges aside, I had the advantage of seeing ALL of the cases that came through the FPEB. At that time, we would contact Soldiers 14-10 days before their hearing and then fly them in for 3 days. Day 1, check-in and interview/prep the Soldier. Day 2 conduct the Formal PEB hearing. Day 3, validate orders and they flew back out. That was it. I noticed a pattern. The cases seemed to fall into about thirds- one third were clear winners...
VA Healthcare under PACT Act!
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Another important benefit is available for those exposed to burn pits and toxins. You can apply here:

A Stunning Medical Failure at BAMC

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IMG_2391.jpegThis is stunning- the Army’s premiere hospital (headquartered at the home of Army Medicine at JB Sam Houston, in San Antonio) has an ongoing problem with having non-sterile surgical instruments cancelling or slowing surgeries. I am glad that they are aware of the problem. And it’s good to see that there have not been any catastrophic consequences (at least that we know about). But, I don’t understand how this can happen. Instrument trays with hair, blood, and bone being placed in an operating room? How does that happen? I don’t know anything about what the process is supposed to look like when things are working right but I have to think this is a task that should be achieved without difficulty.

New VA Life Insurance Program (VALife)

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Here's an article about the VALife program.

"New life insurance program for disabled vets sees high demand​

By Leo Shane III More than 31,000 disabled veterans received life insurance coverage through a new targeted federal program last year, a total that Veterans Affairs officials said underscores the interest in the offerings and the need for wider outreach on its availability. The VALife program — open to veterans aged 80 and under with no disqualifications for medical reasons — was launched in...

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