Physical Evaluation Board Forum

Saunders v United States

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Jason Perry submitted a new resource: Saunders v United States - Federal Court of Appeals case stating pain is a basis for VA compensation
This case is very important. First, as far as its impact, it is a decision of a three judge case before the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. This is a court above the US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (and one level of judicial review below the US Supreme Court). This case may be appealed to the Supreme Court, but, for now, this case is binding law. As far as substance, it is HUGE. The reason for this is two-fold. First, it impacts a huge number of cases. Second, it states...
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Up to 45,000 Tricare Users Could Soon Be Dropped
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doctor_exam_gown_1800.png Pay attention folks!! " 22 Mar 2018 By Amy Bushatz As many as 45,000 Tricare households or beneficiaries could be disenrolled from coverage because their payment information was not updated when the agency changed regional contractors early this year. Affected users are retirees who use Tricare Prime and do not pay their annual fee through paycheck allotment and those who use the purchased Tricare Reserve Select...

THIS IS A BIG DEAL!!! DoD Retention Policy for Non-Deployable Service Members

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salute.jpg This is the link to the DoD policy and PEB FORUM resource for the DOD Retention Policy for Non-Deployable Service Members . Let's discuss the most important parts of the policy memorandum. "The Deputy Secretary of Defense directed the following interim policy guidance, which will remain in effect until the Department issues a DoD Instruction on reporting and retention of non-deployable Service members: • Service members who have been non-deployable for more than 12 consecutive months, for any reason, will be processed for administrative separation in accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1332.14, Enlisted Administrative Separations, or DoD Instruction 1332.30, Separation of Regular and Reserve Commissioned Officers, or will be referred into the Disability Evaluation System in accordance with DoDI 1332.18...

Good News: "More than 133,000 vets may qualify for this tax refund windfall"

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Dollars Tax refund.jpg More than 133,000 vets may qualify for this tax refund windfall From Army Times. By Karen Jowers. "More than 133,000 veterans may qualify for a refund of federal taxes they paid on disability severance pay dating back to 1991 ― taxes that shouldn’t have been collected in the first place. Within the next month, Defense Department officials will send notification letters to veterans that they may be eligible for the refund, said Army Lt. Col. David Dulaney, executive director of the Armed Forces Tax Council. Eligible veterans will have a year after they receive the notice to file a claim for the refund. These refunds, which are the result of a law passed in 2016, apply to veterans who received this pay dating back to Jan. 17, 1991, with taxes withheld, and who also qualified for disability...

Government Shutdown- January 19, 2018

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As anyone who has followed the news knows, Congress failed to pass a spending bill on January 19, 2018. This article and thread is for information and discussion of the impact of the shutdown on the Disability Evaluation System, military disability compensation and benefits, and related issues. (Some of the links posted are general in nature, so there will be some overlap with discussion or information of other government services impacted by the shutdown in the links provided). Starting off, I will say that we don't know how long this shutdown and the impasse will last. Historically, it has not lasted very long. The longest shutdown in US history was for 21 days.CNN: History of shutdowns. This time may be different. We will have to see how things progress. However, the average time for a shutdown has been a few days. Here are a few links discussing the history of shutdowns and...

Ads on the site and support for the PEBFORUM

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Thanks as always for your participation and being part of this PEB FORUM community! I have gone through a lot of work to update the site over the past few months. Let me explain a bit. First, when I say "update," it truly is an update. The forum software is Xenforo. (A great software for forums!) The Xenforo platform is what have used for the past several years. It is, in my estimation, the best out there. That said, it has taken a long (or maybe more accurately, a Loooooooonggggggggg) time for me to and the various pieces (software platform, hosting, add-ons, etc., etc., and probably others) to get things working the way I hoped and expected. Along the way, I have had to spend a lot of money to not only maintain but to try to advance the site. To date, I am not really satisfied with the results over the last year or so....but, I am pleased with recent developments). Additionally, I have changed hosting providers, have increased the site's...
Manu Ginobili (Give me some Grandpa Juice)
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Manu is killing it this year for the Spurs! At 40 years old, he is having a great year and is a contender for the All Star game.

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