JBSA Lackland MEB


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April 11- AFPC direct full MEB
April 15- Accepted to AFW2- 9300 AFSC applied
April 16- VA MSC sends SHA Part A
May 7-May 21, C&P exams with OptumServe
MH AND audiology uploaded same day, May 9th and May 14.
May 28- Sleep study uploaded, PCM on base reviews and recommends CPAP
June 6th- All DBQ’s uploaded after annoying Optum Serve A lot!
June 6th- Referral for CPAP done and company contacts to setup appointment
June 12th- Local Board recommends IPEB
June 13th- Signed 618 and PEBLO uploaded claim to IPEB
July 8- VA RATING 90% received, what’s weird is they didn’t ever make a decision on my sleep apnea or migraine claim even though I have a CPAP. But I can always appeal after I get out and get that added.

I did call and ask them to send me the decision letter which outlined all of the percentages, and my sleep apnea and migraines were not even listed on the letter. It wasn’t even deferred. They just never considered it.
July 8- VA RATING 90% received, what’s weird is they didn’t ever make a decision on my sleep apnea or migraine claim even though I have a CPAP. But I can always appeal after I get out and get that added.

I did call and ask them to send me the decision letter which outlined all of the percentages, and my sleep apnea and migraines were not even listed on the letter. It wasn’t even deferred. They just never considered it.
Was the condition listed when you filled out the paperwork with the MSC? When you go online to VA.gov they list everything you have claimed. If its listed there they should have looked at it.
Yes they were they just didn’t look I guess
If listed on form but nothing on the proposed ratings reach out to your MSC to find out what is going on. Don't let it go. They should rate everything if they can.
If listed on form but nothing on the proposed ratings reach out to your MSC to find out what is going on. Don't let it go. They should rate everything if they can.
It wasn’t on my 526EZ, but I claimed it during my general health exam and DBQ’s were filled out and a sleep study was done
The 526ez is the main document for VA claims, the SHA is more DoD side but is used for evidence later on possibly. Why wasn't it listed on the 526? My 526 has all my 90 claims on it.
It wasn’t on my 526EZ, but I claimed it during my general health exam and DBQ’s were filled out and a sleep study was done
Thats the issue. You can bring it up during exam. You can have medical records on it but you won't get anywhere without a claim for it. Ask your MSC if its too late to add it. If it is you will need to file a claim for it after you get out. Maybe you can do a BDD as another option...
It is surprising the sleep study was done without it being a claim.
I had something similar happen. Bring it up with your MSC and they should send over another 526 that you will sign. You'll have to do another C&P exam for those items but that will probably be scheduled after you get out just because of timing.
I had something similar happen. Bring it up with your MSC and they should send over another 526 that you will sign. You'll have to do another C&P exam for those items but that will probably be scheduled after you get out just because of timing.
Yep she said once I sign for my ratings to do the 526EZ but she said since the exams are done already I shouldn’t have to do anymore. She called it “The VA inviting more claims” since the exams are done already, the VA is saying I should and can claim more

Yep she said once I sign for my ratings to do the 526EZ but she said since the exams are done already I shouldn’t have to do anymore. She called it “The VA inviting more claims” since the exams are done already, the VA is saying I should and can claim more
Hopefully the sleep apnea will take you to 100
Sadly only will take me to 93, I need a 20 for migraines or 2 10’s
Oh ok gotcha well congrats on hitting 90 still! Hope the rest of your process moves smoothly