Not sure where to post, Narcolepsy MEB


PEB Forum Regular Member
Let me start with a little background info I guess... I am AD Air Force Security Forces. I've been in for just over 4 years, I was a 6 year wonder, on my first enlistment.

I returned from a deployment in Aug of 09 and found that I was extremely tired all day every day so I ended up going to the doc to see what was up. The doc told me to get on a regular schedule and remove all distractions from my room and all that nonsense. I think she could sense that I wasn't happy with her answer because she offered a referral to see a civilian sleep specialist which I took of course. She assured me that the specialist would look at me and see a healthy 24 year old male that just needs better sleep habits. I average from 6-8 hours of sleep each night… Long story short, the specialist had me do a sleep study. He had me do an overnight study and the sleep latency (?) test where you stay for the day and try to take naps. When I got the results he told me that every time the lights were shut off I was out in 1.15 minutes to 3 minutes and I went into REM sleep every time. I actually got sent home early from the nap test because I was told they had enough information/data. I was diagnosed with narcolepsy and was prescribed Nuvigil, 250mg, but it doesn't really help out. I met with my PEBLO but she informed me that she was 3 months new to the job, yikes. Now I'm just waiting for my commander to write his letter but he's already broken his suspense date because he feels as though ORI prep is more important than my situation. So it looks like I might be waiting until March for my letter?

I've been trying to find out as much as I can to see what I can prepare myself for and I haven’t really been able to find much with anybody who is dealing with narcolepsy by itself. Originally I thought, sweet, now I can try to push for a retrain but after talking to my wife we're now leaning more towards pushing for separation. I know I'm in the wrong career field for my personality and I don’t know if whatever else they put me in would be any better so the chances that I stay in for 20 years for retirement is slim. Based on that, we would rather just cut our losses and start pursuing a life outside the military sooner rather later.

A few questions that I have... What determines the VA rating? I know it’s under epilepsy and a diagnosis by itself is supposed to be 10% but then it starts to talk about episodes and severity of episodes and I get lost. I just want to know what I fall under so I can fight for that and not end up reaching for something that I have no claim to. Is an episode for me supposed to be how often I fall asleep unexpectedly? I’ve fallen asleep a few times since diagnosis but not really around people to document it. Once at church, twice at the movies, once at work when everybody else was out of the office and numerous times watching TV at home. How am I supposed to document that? Am I supposed to get a note from my wife saying that she saw me fall asleep? And what about when I wake up and nobody else has noticed that I've fallen asleep? If I get separated do I still qualify for the Housing Assistance Program? We bought because our base didn’t have housing until 2 years after we'd been here. We've lost over 70k from when we bought at market value to what our size condo is selling for now. If I get separated we'd be going back home and I'd rather not foreclose if I don’t have to. I've been told by others that I should write my commanders letter for him and get him to sign it but others say it's not my responsibility so I shouldn’t. Another person in the unit is going through her retirement board and that’s what she did.

Any of you that take the time to read this whole thing I applaud your perseverance. :eek:) Sorry for the long post... I just haven’t been able to talk to anybody who has offered any useful answers or advice. My PEBLO just told me that I should plan on getting separated and that’s about it. Help?

Welcome! A few comments on your post.

First, if you aren't already, start a diary of your narcoleptic episodes. Document date, time, circumstances, length of episode, and any other details (such as disorientation, nausea, residual sleepiness, triggers, etc.). This is evidence that the MEB and PEB should consider. Your wife can write a letter, but I have had success getting clients a retirement finding based on the diary.

As far as "ghost-writing" a commander's letter, if that is an option, I would jump on it. The caveat is that no matter who authors it, you want a good letter. So, you must ensure that what you draft, if given the option, helps your case and presents it in the best light.

Hope all goes well for you!
Thanks Jason. Would I give the diary to my doctor to add to my paperwork or how does that go? Also you say that it helps in getting retirement... How so? Is it just because there's more "proof" of severity? If I try for the retirement is there anything that I should make sure to put in the commanders letter? I really appreciate your help. Thanks.
A stronger case = better case = possible retirement. The commanders letter should not give recommendations. However I seen many that do.
Does narcolepsy disqualify me from carrying a weapon or deploying? I can't find anything that says or anybody who knows.
These findings will be determined by the HAWC (Health and Wellness Center) and the DAWG (Deployment Availability Working Group). As far as deployability, much depends on what the service says in regards to the Theater. The AF is pretty restrictive on these matters. Are you asking to figure out the likely fitness decision?
The reason I was asking is that my supervisor was asked to write the commander's letter. He was wondering whether it would effect my day-to-day arming due to the fact that I'm in Security Forces. If I can't arm up than I am not fit for the career field. Thanks again for your help.
It seems likely that it would. But your AF Form 469 (Duty Limiting Conditions) would state this...go to your PCM and/or the HAWC if you don't have a will need one for your board, anyway.

Good luck!
I was talking to my Doctor the other day and it turns out that I also have episodes of sleep paralysis and cataplexy. I've been trying to see if that changes the rating for narcolepsy but I cant find anything on it. Does that get lumped in with narcolepsy or is it a separate rating? Thanks. BTW my commander decided that my supervisor should write my commanders letter so he wrote everything except for the parts that he can't speak on. So all that needs to be done is his opinion/agree/disagree/has he talked to somebody about my condition type stuff and sign it and yet it sits on his desk. He was notified the first few days in January and I dont think it'll be done til the first few days of March. With an ORI coming up in the next month or so I've been put on the backburner. I've asked him about it, my boss has asked him about it, other staff members have commented on how I can't do anything anymore and all I can do is sit here. I know he's freaking out about the ORI (all of our staff/back office workers are in a 6 and 1 now) but is it normal to just be put off like that? Before all this came about he never had a problem with me and treated me fairly and now that I've been diagnosed it's like he's ignoring it just to see if it will go away. Anybody have any advice? My Shirt told me to go talk to the commander myself and it did nothing in the long run. Thanks guys...