PCS'ing further than Home of record?

mr pig

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I'm just curious if anyone has done this. My wife and I have our Home of record in NV but we are moving to northern UT. I'm assuming we pay for the extra mileage? No idea how much that would be.
If you are being retired, you may choose anywhere in the continental US for a one time move.

If not retiring, they will move you to your home of record or you have to pay mileage further than that.
Can someone tell me whether you're entitled to a PCS move if you were enrolled in the Reserves at the time the PEB put you on the PDRL list and retired you from active duty? The military is refusing the PCS move of HHG due to enrollment in the Reserves at the time of the decision, although the findings clearly indicate medical retirement from active duty. Thank you.
You might want to call the office in the link above and discuss it with them.
Hope it works out well.