PDRL 70% VA 50% DoD


Registered Member
I went and saw my peblo today and reviewed my proposed ratings. I saw that the DoD wanted to give me 50% PDR for the injuries sustained from being hit by a car. On another was 70% purposed by the VA.

My question is I was assured that if I signed that when it gets sent back to the PEB as agree'd with their finding's that they take the 70% and not just the 50%. Maybe im over thinking it but any advice would be appreciated.
Still not sure but hopefully you can answer, I know they are two seperate figures. But usually if VA pays higher thats the one they will go with?
Being retired, you will recieve retirement pay from DFAS based on your situation. After that is computed, if the VA % amount is greater, then you will receive more from the VA. Basically, you will get an amount equal to whichever is higher.
Ok thanks a lot for the info, Puts my mind at ease. The retirement at 50% was 1100 roughly and the 70% VA turned out to be 1483 under new scale. So now I know a percentage is paid by army I think roughly 250 dollars and rest through VA to equal the 70%. Thanks a lot for a speedy response