Service Connected disability for PTSD/MST approved by VA / separated from Army with Chapter 5-17


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Service Connected for PTSD/MST approved separated from Army with Chapter 5-17

Hi I'm new here to this group and need light into an issue that I probably didn't want to touch because is too painful and it triggers my PTSD.. I was looking for tax exempt info regarding disability severance pay, then looking about my chapter 5-17 and I came across to this website. I saw this website/forum related to veterans or soldiers who got chapters once separated out of military without being MEB . However, later on got service connected disability approved from VA for PTSD/MST related to their Army service.

  1. This is really related to my case because I was chaptered with 5-17 Honorable discharge but Doctor did not recommended MEB. Took me a year and half and two declined VA appeals to finally get my service connected disability for PTSD/MST...

    I have all documentation needed to fix this .. and I feel like the army gave me a slap in the face with the paperwork by not writing that everything that happened was not related to service.

    Can anyone help ? What do you recommend ?

    Thank you
I replied to your other thread, as I was tagged in it and saw it first. My quoted reply is below.

I'd highly recommend speaking with @Jason Perry, without knowing the details you may have a pretty good case of relief after filing a claim with the ABCMR.

I have never filed a claim, but here is a decision regarding MST from the ABCMR, it outlines what documentation the service member provided to the board.

In my opinion to be successful, it will take a competent attorney such as @Jason Perry to present the case in a manner in which the board will grant full relief.