Upcoming Formal Board Hearing


PEB Forum Regular Member
Hello everybody,
Well I'm a Tech Select in the Air Force, coming up 11 years next month. I have Spondylolisthesis on L5-S1 vertebra. About 2 years ago somehow managed to get 3 herniated discs L3-L5, S1 had stress factors and out of alignment. I received only narcotics and physical therapy. I had no continuity treatment on my back, only been giving pain medicine.
A new PCM came in late last year, the first time I met her she immediately told me she was going to MEB me because my condition is chronic and it's been going on to long. I've requested to receive cortizone shot and to see a specialist. So she did send me to see somebody off-base. At the same time still push the MEB through. But I only received the run around from the doctors on the economy.
I'm located in Germany and currently stationed at a GSU. So everything has to go to Spangdahlem. Spangdahlem board requested to return me to duty, along with my doctor and commander.
So finally it was sent to AFPC. AFPC's recommendation came back last month: Discharge with Severance pay, 20% disability rating.
I am fighting this! I am able to do my job in my career field. I haven't received any continuous treatment for my back.
I'm leaving next week for the formal board hearing.
I've been a nervous wreck...
Any advice?


Jessica k

Welcome aboard! I'm sorry to hear you did not get the outcome you wanted. What outcome would you like from the FPEB?

From what I've been reading, individuals with anything less than 30% do not have anything really to lose, except RTD (some people may not want to RTD due to their severe aliments).

But, from what I gather from your post, you still require continued medical treatment from the MTF.

Also, from what I was advised, the FPEB could raise/lower individuals ratings depending on their (the individuals) evidence.

Individuals seeking a formal hearing must have evidence to support their disagreement with the IPEB decisions in order to help their case.

This is just my tidbit. I hope all goes well for you at the formal.
Hello everybody,
Well I'm a Tech Select in the Air Force, coming up 11 years next month. I have Spondylolisthesis on L5-S1 vertebra. About 2 years ago somehow managed to get 3 herniated discs L3-L5, S1 had stress factors and out of alignment. I received only narcotics and physical therapy. I had no continuity treatment on my back, only been giving pain medicine.
A new PCM came in late last year, the first time I met her she immediately told me she was going to MEB me because my condition is chronic and it's been going on to long. I've requested to receive cortizone shot and to see a specialist. So she did send me to see somebody off-base. At the same time still push the MEB through. But I only received the run around from the doctors on the economy.
I'm located in Germany and currently stationed at a GSU. So everything has to go to Spangdahlem. Spangdahlem board requested to return me to duty, along with my doctor and commander.
So finally it was sent to AFPC. AFPC's recommendation came back last month: Discharge with Severance pay, 20% disability rating.
I am fighting this! I am able to do my job in my career field. I haven't received any continuous treatment for my back.
I'm leaving next week for the formal board hearing.
I've been a nervous wreck...
Any advice?


Jessica k

Hello Guys/Gals,

I was a LTjg in the Navy with 14 years at the time of my injuries. I then went through all the mess and headache I am hearing in these forums that the rest of you are going through. I also felt the same frustration. You ask yourself why the military can spend billions of dollars on materials and weapons, but it's most valuable asset (the sailors and soldiers) are purposely getting misinformation so that they will not know what to do until it is to late. At that point, the Formal PEB is over and you are getting admin seperated with nothing or a little severance pay.
Oh, just to clarify, I am the biggest patriot you will ever meet and would give my life for my country at a moments notice if required, I only want the military to support its most important weapons (the people), who have sweat and bleed for it in some form or another.
Well.......that was one year ago in September. I was found fit for duty during the informal and told on the same day that I would be getting immediately admin seperated. I then decided that I was not going to go silently into the night!:D I proceded to request a formal, gather info., and retained a civilian attorney. I went to the PEB and found out the findings all in the same day (which was 40%, enough to be medically retired for those of you who didn't know). I would be more than happy to speak to anyone who has found out they will be going through a PEB or is currently in the process. You do have options. [email protected]

Welcome aboard, and thank you for the information.
Upcoming Formal Board Hearing(RRRRRRRRRRRRRR)

Hi all,
Well I never made it to my Formal Board hearing. While I was at Brussels Airport getting ready to go to security to get to my gate. PEBLO called my husband to let him know that AFPC rescheduled my appt for a later date. :mad::mad::mad::mad: RRRRRRRRRRR!
What! What is going on over there???? The reason? They are moving offices! Okay AFPC you scheduled my date to report to you. Why would you wait until Friday 5:56pm Texas time (7 Hours behind my time) to send an email that your are moving offices.? Was this a last minute decision. Oh let's move offices! How can you put people through that???? What happened if I went all the way to Texas??? REALLY aren't we supposed to be professional about this? WEll I guess it's not my money they are wasting.... just American tax dollars!

Well after my formal board hearing, regardless of the outcome, I'm filing an IG complaint. This MEB process is ridiculous! It's even harder from an overseas assignment.... NO wonder people have PTSD... I am patriotic too, but really how can the military treat people like this... I really want to stay in the service to serve my country. I just don't know if I really want to do it if I'm getting treated like this.... I'm not done... they just woken the fiery beast inside of me and I will not be treated like this! So for everybody going through the same thing, DOCUMENT, DOCUMENT,DOCUMENT. Don't let this system beat you... Remember that there are incompetent people who don't understand what they are doing to people. I know who sent the email from AFPC and when I see her next week she's going to have it!
Okay I just wanted to vent...
Jamie-- I will be emailing you too...
if anybody want to talk: email me at [email protected]

Take care,
I WON!!!!!!!


Just to let you all know that I went to Lackland. My hearing was on the 17th of Nov. 08. I won my hearing! I am returned to duty. The members found me fit for duty.
Wow, talking about the biggest sigh of RELIEF. I like to thank some of you for your support. Also would like to wish you all the best of luck.
If anybody need to chat or need help with anything please don't hesitate to contact me.

I think it's important for people to know that if you really believe in something DON'T BE AFRAID to fight in what you believe in. I seriously did not receive the medical help here in Geilenkirchen. I really believe it was unfair for them to Medical Board me with out exhausting all their medical options for me. I do have a disability but it does not hinder me from doing my Air Force job.

So for those of you who are fighting... make sure you educate yourself on the process and your condition. Before you go to the board I recommend you get letters from your supervisors, 2 officers, commander letters and maybe a letter from your doctor to reiterate what they want from the board.
I also recommend writing a letter on your behalf, something short, sweet and to the point. Also all of your EPRS!!!!!!
Talk to your lawyers and DON"T be afraid. MEB folks are nice. Make sure you know what you want right when you walk in those MEB doors.
Good luck again and God Bless,
Jessica Kiser,
[email protected]