@Wally3430 @chaplaincharlie
I appreciate your guys help and suggestions - looks like for me my biggest problem will be the documentation piece. Although I've seen plenty and what not, I don't think anything is probably documented to that level - DGS was very from one strike to the next from the analysts POV - but I'm still in and being seen by mental health, so I can definitely call out specific strikes I've seen or been trained on, one way or the other.
Especially with you Wally, I'm not sure if they did the same types of trainings for pilots, but for us analysts during our training before being operational at Goodfellow, they would throw us through "desensitization" training, just showing us strike after strike trying to make us numb to the death, I would say it is effective at first, but now being 10 years from that... Well, you know how it can effect your psyche.
But when you've seen kids die, and then have one of your own? That takes the cake man. Again, I appreciate the help, I'll make sure in my coming MH appointments to be more specific and lean on my doctors about the specific things I've seen, I have been very vague up to this point, but maybe it would benefit me not to be - cause even though I do have cumulative/complex PTSD - I can definitely call out the worst specific events from it.
Thanks again, I'll try to make sure to come back here in the future and update for you guys and others that come after.
~ Moon