Free College for 100% VA Vets


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Hello Vets,

I was recently awarded a 100% VA rating and found some very good information. I used the GI Bill to receive my undergrad degree. I then used Voc Rehab to pay for a Master's Certificate that gave me 18 out of the 30 credits to receive my Master's. I thought I would have to pay myself to complete my Master's but that is not the case. There is a program with Nelnet the agency that is part of the federal student loan program and they forgive student loan debt for 100% VA rated vets. I was shocked when I heard this. Here is the link for all of you to check out and pursue. I thought it was to good to be true myself but give them a call and talk to them about the program and requirements.

(888) 303-7818
Yes, we have applied for my wife so she can complete her degree.
I do not believe so. My understanding is they give us a monthly stipend based of whether she is full, half or quarter time to use to pay for the classes.